Addressing the division, distrust & dysfunction threatening our democracy
Join Americans united in a shared belief that overcoming our divisions and fixing the system are our top national priorities.
Join Americans united in a shared belief that overcoming our divisions and fixing the system are our top national priorities.
This FixUS research project is an objective evaluation of some of the institutional reforms most commonly proposed as fixes for our representative democracy's most glaring problems, including redistricting, primary, and money-in-politics reforms and ranked-choice voting.
Now, with our most recent update, you can review which of these reforms your state has and has not adopted as well.
Read the "Solutions Landscape," a collaborative review Google Doc.
About 40 volunteers from the FixUS community participated in a pilot project to mend frayed relationships, build community, and find a lost sense of agency to enact positive change.
Read the report on our quantitative and qualitative findings.
In a nationwide poll conducted by YouGov, FixUS asked respondents for their views on a range of American ideals, values, and historical events – finding that even in our polarized environment, Americans share feelings of patriotism and national pride.
View the preliminary findings.
Watch the virtual discussion.
Read the op-ed.
View the full dataset.
Root Causes Perspectives: How Did We Get Here? convenes the perspectives of 30 experts to better understand the root causes of the division, governmental dysfunction, and public distrust that have become so apparent.
Read the report.
Why is Governing No Longer Good Politics?: Reflections from a Thousand Years of Public Service brought together a group of public servants for their unique perspectives to shed some light on the severe polarization and bitterly divisive politics facing our country.
Read the report.
FixUS engaged Americans on some simple yet fundamental questions about ourselves as a nation: What do we value? What are our common goals and aspirations for ourselves, our communities, and our country? Our report, Divided Nationally, United Locally, summarizes findings from a first round of focus group discussions on these topics.
Read the report.
To learn what FixUS is all about, watch our brief video or visit our About Us page.
Donate to FixUS and help support our work addressing our nation's growing divisions, dysfunction, and distrust in our political system.
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