The FixUS Solutions Landscape (PDF version) is the result of a months-long research project focused on curating and summarizing the state of oft-proposed reforms to address the hyperpartisanship and growing institutional distrust in our political system.
The idea for this resource spawned from observations from some of our academic partners that even people well versed on these topics can have a challenging time understanding what the various reforms are, the arguments for and against them, the status of whether and where they have already been implemented, and the existing state of scholarly research on their intended effects.
Source: Open Primaries
Over the past several months, we have gathered input from some of our academic and organizational partners to produce what we hope can be a resource on these topics, to be updated over time. Reforms featured in this first edition include:
Source: FixUS
Additionally, we have released this publication as a shareable Google Doc (and PDF) to enable those with expertise on these topics to share critiques and updated information to improve upon it. We also plan to expand it in future editions with other commonly proposed solutions we have not yet assessed.
For more information, or to provide expert commentary on the "Solutions Landscape" or offer recommendations for reforms to add in future editions, contact Andrew Henry at
Source: FairVote
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